1 Feb 2017

[TUTORIAL + VIDEO] Candy Smokey Makeup -- One Brand Tutorial with Mukka

Hi guys! I'm back with a fun and bright look with Mukka's products. You can read the full and detailed review here:

You can watch my tutorial below! :) Enjoy. <3

I know this was nothing smokey like dark colored eyeshadow and so on, but I just like the name because in this look I quite used many colors and the colors are mostly sweet (for me). xD So I just named it candy smokey. Lol

Hope you enjoyed and let me know what tutorial I should make next! See you on my next post. :)


  1. ak suka eye make up nya >3< cantik bgt Jess 😍😍😍


  2. Sebenernya aku kepingin belajar makeup buat aku sendiri,nah aku jg harus cari alat2 yg murah meriah yg cocok sm dompet ibu2 anak 2 heheh,mau tanya nih selain shadow merek d atas ada rekom lain ga yg murah tp bagus beb?

    1. Sariayu sama Mizzu lumayan dear untuk eyeshadow :D
      MakeOver juga bagus tuh, mulai dari 70rban tp kualitasnya oke :D

  3. Pertama kali denger nama brandnya aku kira ini merk luar kak, ternyata indonesia punya tohπŸ˜‚ 😍

  4. Mukka cosmetics pengen punya eyeshadownya and lipcreamnyah. Makin banyak ya produk lokal yang keren keren :)


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