28 Mar 2014

Vote and Win the Prizes from MENARD!

Good evening readers!
Today I just want to inform you that you can get FREE :

Tsukika One Touch Lipstick (Rp. 396.000,-)

Tsukika Travel kit Skincare

Invitation Card for free Facial at Menard Facial Salon.

How? Only by voting! ^^
Please vote for me by liking my pic HERE.
should look like this ^_^

You should like Menard Indonesia's page first HERE^^

And done! You could be the lucky voter! Menard will pick 2 lucky voters^^

I really appreciate if you would vote for me and for your time. <3
1 like means so much for me ^_^) because this is my first time being a finalist in IBB Makeup Challenge T.T)/

Once again thank you so much!
May God bless you and return your kindness multiple times! heehee~<3
Please wish me luck^^

23 Mar 2014

IBB MUC MARCH 2014 : Natural Glow

New month means new makeup challenge on Indonesian Beauty Blogger's site. :D
Another make up challenge that makes me want to join! :D

This time, the prize comes from Menard for 2 winners.
If you want to enter you can click HERE

I've never tried Menard's products before and here in Bali there is no Menard outlet so I can't even see their products yet T^T)/
I am so curious about their product and the theme this time really made me interested--since glowy face is my favorite!^^

20 Mar 2014

[REVIEW and SWATCH] Revlon Powder Blush in Soft Spoken Pink #04

Last year is my first time being interested in makeup. I didn't have my very own blush because I usually just use liptints and they work great already on me. But I wanted to have the real blush on. (lol xD) And my mom accompanied me to choose one in the nearest store that time.
I came across to Revlon's counter and found many colors of blushers which interested me. The smart--i mean it xD--saleslady quickly recommended me to try the Revlon Powder Blush in Soft Spoken Pink because I have a fair skin, she said. 
Well.. how would it suit me?

Jennyfer Michiyo's Giveaway

Halo semuanya. :D
Kali ini aku menulis dengan bahasa Indonesia yah :)
Jennyfer Michiyo lagi ngadain giveaway nih. Apa aja sih hadiah dan rulesnya?

17 Mar 2014

[REVIEW and SWATCH] Skinfood Milkshake Point Makeup Remover

Hello everyone!
Today, as usual, I'm back with another review. ^^
This is my first post reviewing a makeup remover.
Well, some of you who love Korean cosmetics might have heard about this product. I was recommended by the seller to try out this one out of the other hundreds of makeup remover.
Well, I've been using this Skinfood Milkshake Point Makeup Remover for a year now and I think I should review this first before it is completely ran out. :p

14 Mar 2014

[REVIEW & SWATCH] Kojiesan Skin Lightening Soap

Good morning every one!
Do you want to have fair, light and white skin?
Or you want to maintain you skin beautiful and healthy like Japanese people?

Kojic Acid is their secret for their light and white skin. However, I hardly find Kojic Acid soap in Indonesia, moreover here in Bali.

But several days ago, I got an email from Kojiesan Indonesia which interest me with their product because this is the FIRST SOAP in INDONESIA which contains KOJIC ACID! Wanna know more? Read below :)

12 Mar 2014

Unboxing Shopping Lust Giveaway [The Balm and Urband Decay]

Hello dearest readers <3
Hope you guys have a great blessed new month!
Maybe some of you know I joined a giveaway last month from Shoppinglust.
I didn't know I would win and the prize is just...amazing for me! xD
They are US' products. Can you guess what is it? If you read my latest Yuri SNSD IGAB Makeup Tutorial you'll know it :D
*sorry just posted about it now T_T because I won it as a valentine day gift :D*

March Giveaways

New month, new giveaways right? :D

These are some giveaways that I've joined this month :D 

10 Mar 2014

[REVIEW & SWATCH] Etude House CC Cream #01 Silky and #02 Glow

Hello my dearest readers xD
Finally my photoshop problem is done ! XD
Today I'll be reviewing another Etude House's product.
Yes, another famous Korean product, Etude House CC Cream in Silky and Glow :D

Sorry for reviewing the product now xD
I've never been interested in this product before (except because Krystal was the current model of the product hehehe -,-)9 good marketing Etude! TwT) ), moreover I saw bad reviews about the product BUT not again until I tried the sample xD
And now I have the full size one :D

So let's see what it claims first :D  
aww so flawless ;___: *sobs*


How are you readers? Hope you all have a good day!
Lately I've been really busy because of school exams and other preparations. 
However, I can't discard (?) a fun collaboration! Lol :p
Since I saw the Girls' Generation's teasers of MRMR I already wanted to make Yoona's look. And I thought of a collaboration also. Fortunately beautiful Indonesian Beauty Blogger, Sasyachi made a collaboration of MRMR. I was so glad to join and I got Yoona's part just like I wanted before heheh :p
Thank you Sasyachi for letting me join again :D (in case you don't know, it's SNSD Mr Taxi Collab before :D)

Okay, so let's get onto the collab now :D

Before we go on to the tutorial, let's look at the other beautiful beauty bloggers <3 *pic edited by Sasyachi*

more details......

2 Mar 2014


Good morning every body ^^
Today I'm back with a makeup challenge post xD
Because this is a makeup challenge from Indonesia Beauty Blogger and Etude House, so I think I will post in Bahasa today. :)
*ps : you can use the translator in the left column if you're curious :p

Selalu penasaran sama tema MUC (Makeup Challenge)nya Indonesian Beauty Blogger tiap bulan--karena selalu baru--, waktu tau Makeup Challenge kali ini disponsori oleh merk kosmetik favoritku, Etude House jadi semangat banget. :D
Apalagi hadiah-hadiahnya yang menggiurkan dan aku belum sempet nyobain yah karena waktu itu seri 'Blink in the Sea' limited edition. :(
Yang penasaran bisa liat posternya dibawah ini :D
Untuk yang mau join juga bisa langsung klik disini yah :D

Jarang sekali aku ikutan MUC karena saingannya jago-jago dan temanya sulit sulit menurutku. :( Tapi demi Etude House #cieh berusaha buat look dengan peralatan seadanya x'D
Sebenernya look ini udah kubuat berminggu-minggu yang lalu tapi masih bingung mau ngepost. Minder yang lainnya pada jago-jago semua huhu T_T) *rolls*
Jadi bermaksud nggak jadi ikutan tapi karena waktunya diperpanjang dan sudah buat, apa salahnya di coba. ^^ Siapa tahu kali ini aku dapat kesempatan.^^


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