29 Sept 2014

[EVENT] Miracle Aesthetic Clinic ft MakeOverID Beauty Blogger Gathering

On Saturday, September 27th 2014 Miracle Aesthetic Clinic and MakaOver Indonesia held a beauty blogger gathering with the theme " Beauty Talks About Beauty" for beauty bloggers which can reach Surabaya, Indonesia. Not only bloggers, bloggers' friends might join too. And I was asked by Ade Kumala Putri to join the event. Thanks Lala for asking me to join! Far away from the word regret! :D

Me with Miracle Clinic's product :D

This is my very first time attending beauty bloggers gathering. I wonder how the atmosphere will be and who would I meet. *lol* And I did not haaaaave green top since I moved to Surabaya and mostly my outfits are in Bali. So I went there with just whatever has white and green on my closet and I hope they would match. :'D (?) Thanks God and thanks Miracle I got the best dress and a voucher as a complimentary. Didn't know it would happen. ^^;; Well, back to the topic! Miracle gave every participants a 'fact or myth' board. On the slide there would be 10 statements about beauty and skin health which many people might have not known the truth of it. Then in every questions, we were given the chance to raise out board to show our opinion whether the statements are fact or myth. We also can discuss about it together! Interesting and not boring at all! :) The informations are also useful. Miracle and MakeOver gave 3 packages of products for active participants.

So here is the board look like
Here are the 10 statements and explanation :
Fact / myth about our skin....

25 Sept 2014

[REVIEW and SWATCH] Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner in Brown

Good day readers!

FYI, I've never bought makeup from overseas online web because I'm afraid of fraud, I don't have paypal, I don't know much about overseas taxing and stuffs also for me it is quite complicated compared to buy makeup online like usual (from the same nation). But this time I found a web which is very helpful and makes shopping experience much easier, moreover because the customer service is very friendly.

HanaVillage.com aims to be one of the largest beauty store selling quality colored lenses and top beauty brands in Asia. The brands we carry included KOJI, Skin79, Etude House, Nature Republic, Missha, Fujifilm,Geo Medical, ColourVue, Dueba,  and many other well known beauty brands in Asia especially Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Our office is based in Malaysia while goods are shipped from Malaysia and Singapore. We offer free worldwide delivery and excellent customer service. We carry more than thousand of products in store. We also own another website LensVillage, a circle lenses store which has been established many years ago. You may find our customer reviews throughout different channel. 

You can open hanavillage.com and see their current interesting offers that you can only find in Hanavillage.com :)

HanaVillage unique selling points :
* We offer free delivery worldwide (minimum purchase $30)
* We offer 1 to 1 exchange on contact lenses if customer has problem with the lenses
* Customer can request for a return/exchange if they are unhappy with their purchase. 
* More than 2000 products available, we sell top colored lenses and cosmetic brands in Asia
They sell many circle lenses, cosmetics and accessories. They also sell instax! :D
They sell well-known makeups such as Etude House, Laneige, 3CE, Dolly Wink, Clio and many more. 
Yeay! They also sell the well known hair color brand from Japan, Liese! :D
They sell many colors of Liese too! Here in Indonesia, it's a bit hard to look for Liese with good price. :( Now no worry! :D I can buy it from HanaVillage next time ^w^)b

And this is what's interesting from HanaVillage! You can win a gift set worth $50 !

It's time for me now to shop with HavaVillage! :D
After long time thinking what I would buy from them, I choose to buy Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner in Brown :)
So now, let's see the review of this well-known product from Japan! :D

13 Sept 2014

Sumber Antioksidan Tertinggi di Alam, Xanthone dan Manfaatnya untuk Kulit, Hati, Jantung, Kanker, Penuaan

Xanthone diyakini merupakan salah satu kelompok zat antioksidan yang paling kuat yang bisa ditemukan di alam.

Di China,

 Xanthone telah diuji dan diverifikasi sebagai bahan yang mencegah aktivitas sel kanker hati, lambung, dan paru-paru. Sementara itu, beberapa penelitian dan eksperimen di Jepang mendapati bahwa Xanthone sangat baik dalam menghambat pertumbuhan dan penyebaran leukemia dan kanker usus besar. Sebagai antibiotik alam, khasiat Xanthone terbukti melampaui antibiotik buatan, seperti penisilin, floksasilin, oksasilin, dan vankomisin. Peran aktif Xanthone juga tampak dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan radang sel-sel otak, penyakit Alzheimer, arthritis, asam urat, dan bahkan Xanthone juga memiliki efek antidepresan, alias mencegah stres dan depresi.

Di Thailand,

Xanthone digunakan sebagai obat kemoterapi alami untuk memerangi kanker, dan juga mengobati meningitis (infeksi selaput otak), pneumonia, septimia, dan TBC. Sementara itu, penelitian medis di Australia membuktikan bahwa xanthonemembantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL), yang dampak positifnya adalah pencegahan penumpukan plak di pembuluh darah (atherosclerosis), penyakit jantung, dan stroke. Tak hanya itu, Anda yang sering mengalami masalah dengan sendi, usus, dan saluran pernapasan akan sangat terbantu apabila mengonsumsi Xanthone dalam dosis yang tepat secara teratur. 
Konsentrasi Xanthone yang paling tinggi hingga saat ini diyakini terdapat dalam kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana). Tak hanya Xanthone, manggis juga mengandung macam-macam zat bioaktif lainnya—seperti polisakarida, catechin, dan proanthocyanidin—yang turut membantu menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita secara holistik.

Khasiat-khasiat sari kulit manggis :

  • Membantu memulihkan kondisi sel-sel yang rusak akibat radikal bebas
  • Menurunkan kemungkinan terjadinya penyakit jantung, penumpukan plak dalam pembuluh darah, hipertensi, dan pembekuan darah secara berlebihan (thrombosis)
  • Mencegah efek degeneratif sel-sel tubuh dan kepikunan
  • Menyebabkan vasorelaksasi, sehingga meningkatkan aliran darah di seluruh tubuh
  • Menghadirkan efek antidepresan untuk mengurangi stres
  • Memiliki efek antioksidan, antiradang, antikanker, antialergi yang sangat kuat potensinya
  • Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh untuk memerangi virus, bakteri, dan sumber penyakit lainnya
  • melangsingkan tubuh
  • mencegah pengeroposan tulang
  • mencegah terbentuknya batu ginjal
  • memperhalus kulit
  • menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah
  • menghilangkan kelelahan fisik
  • mengurangi rasa nyeri
  • memulihkan luka pada saluran pencernaan
  • mencegah pendarahan pada gusi
  • mencegah penyebaran HIV yang menyebabkan AIDS.

Karena tidak bisa dikonsumsi secara langsung seperti halnya dengan daging buahnya, kulit buah manggis haruslah diproses terlebih dahulu agar dapat bermanfaat bagi tubuh.
Maka dari itu, kini telah hadir Sido Muncul Sari Kulit Manggis!
Isi 50 kapsul, sehari 1-3 kali 1 kapsul.
http://www.sidomunculherbal.com/id/12-sido-muncul-sari-kulit-manggis.html (di web resmi Sido Muncul pun jual RP. 60.000,-)
Info pemesanan :

9 Sept 2014

Giveaway of The Month! :D

Another month, like usual, there must be another giveaways! :D
Here are some giveaways I am currently joining this month :D :

4 Sept 2014

UPDATED [SALON REVIEW] Bleaching and Coloring in Shinjuku Hair Make PTC Surabaya

Hello my super lovely readerssss!
It's been a long time for me since I left the blog because my orientation week on university. T_T)
So sad for being MIA for several weeks but now here I am! :D

I'm super busy doing my university's big project making a billion rupiahs project, which is far away from easy and free time. @_@
Oh! Anyway don't forget to join my 1st mini giveaway here >> http://iamfoodeater.blogspot.com/2014/08/1st-mini-giveaway.html^.^

Okay, move to the point.
I've never thought I would bleach my hair since everyone says it is expensive, damages hair and so on. And now, because of the orientation week of my university which says that every newbies must have black hair, so I dyed my hair black. T_T)
The hairstylist said that the color of the dye would not make it because I just darkened my hair. Poor me and I decided to bleach my hair to get bright color. For me who usually dyed my hair at home, it is a waste if I don't choose bright or at last blonde color when I dye my hair at salon. xD

The salon I choose was Shinjuku Hair Make Salon in PTC Surabaya. The place looks professional and quite big. But one lady staff on the front desk does not seems so nice, actually.. when I said I want to blog about their salon. .__.

This is how the salon looks like.


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