15 Oct 2013

[BEAUTY TIPS] 10 Years Younger from Head to Toe? Possible? How? [Yamada Yoshiko]

 Every woman wants to have glowing skin, youthful face, attractive 'small' body shape in order to look young.

I watched this episode of Star King quite some times ago and just want to share with you an interesting beauty tips to keep you  look 10 years younger from a trusted 'public icon', Yamada Yoshiko. Maybe some of you have watched it too, but I can't seems to find the video to share with other beauty-readers, so I'll just review from what I've watched :)

What do you think about her age? How old is she look like for you?

and now..... let's see the asnwer.....

 Okay. Idk if you're wrong or not but when I watched her on TV and not taken by screencaps or pics only, she looks sooooo young. I thought she was 27 or 30 something. My friends guessed 40, 30 and 20 something.

Yup! She is 48! (Korean age is 1 year older than usual age counting rule)
It surprised me and my dad so much when we watched it!
She has great skin, slim waist and little-but-proportional body at her age.

Now let's read her tips and secrets that she shared for SBS Star King audiences. :D

ps : there was a skin doctor too that explains how her ways of taking care of her skin can make skin looks wayyyy younger.

For younger 'sparkling' skin:
  1. Wash your face usually with your cleanser. Rinse off.
  2. Use any skin care cream on your face.
  3. Prepare a hot towel ( towel that has been dipped into warm water)
  4. Wrap your face with the towel for 2-3 minutes. It will open your face skin pores while the creams are still on the surface of your face skin. Because of the heat the cream will absorb 100 times better than usual method (by just putting creams on your face), the doctor said.
  5. Don't forget after doing step 4! Wash your face with cold (you can use ice) water to tighten your pores again. The cream will be locked inside better. You can put a slice of lemon inside of the bowl that you used to place your cold ice water, because we know that lemons are good for skin whitening and brightening.
  6. Use cocoon. Cocoon? Yes! Cocoon to rub all over your face. It will cleanse your face better than toner she said. The doctor used his skin-zoomer and showed how cocoon made her face instantly super clean and 'sparkling'.

I'm so sorry that for the body I can't explain it with words. Even with drawing it will looks unclear :( 
You should watch the video! Really informative ^^

She also said that she keeps her 'baby face' with 'Collarbone Massage' or Rock-Paper-Scissor massage. What kind of massage is it and how to do it? What are the benefits? You can watch it here^^ :
well I hope they are helpful for every of you ^^
I started following her steps --if I had time lol xD I usually rushed T.T-- and I feel some nice differences :D
I believe the creams absorbs better. But for the massage I didn't really know because I haven't practice it regulary xD

I'm gonna....um..spam a bit again hahah x'D hope you're not bored with me! lol :p

I am joining a Dance Cover Competition and I really hope you watch my video, or maybe help me to share it?^^ and if you have youtube account please LIKE my video. It would mean sooooo much to me. Thank you once again! :"D

EXO - GROWL and SNSD - I GOT A BOY short Dance Cover by Jessica Ie
(엑소 - 으르렁 - 소녀시대- I Got A Boy)

Hi everyone!
I know I'm still lack so much but promise I'll do better next time! I am joining PERUCI 2013 Dance Cover Competition. I only got 4 times of practice for this video because of school stuffs and the late news of the competition for me to knew :( I prepared the GROWL 'bridge' part but it turned out so messy. So saaad X'D

I've tried my best so far :'D
So please help me to reach more VIEWS and LIKE my video. it would mean SO MUCH to me ^^
Thank you so much for you whoever like and watch this video. May God return your kindness multiple times :D

Thanks for reading and watching! Have a great day ^^


  1. waduhhh jes >_< yakin nih cuma itu solusinya :o
    kyaaaaa..pengeeenn.. tp korea lho, yg sebagian besar warganya oplas.. smoga dy tidak deh ya..

    1. Iya kalau muka itu aja kak :D
      wah kalau soal oplas sih aku ngga tau yah tapi dia orang Jepang :D
      Thanks for visiting ^^

  2. diet keras…rajin perawatan.ah.biar awet muda

    1. ahahah semangat ci xD yang penting jangan sampe sakit yah :o
      Thanks for visiting ^^

  3. dancenya bagus ^^

    visit my blog ^_^
    My online store ^_^

  4. yaa ampun kamu keren bgt dancenya >.< <3
    thankyou da sharing tipsnya yah, tp itu g ada alternatif lain buat kepompongny ? ==a

    1. aaaa thankyou kak ><
      iyah.. wah kalau alternatifnya aku juga kurang tau kak soalnya dibilangnya gitu aja di shownya ._.

  5. uwaaa nice info say, iya kalo pake kepompong bingung juga ya hihi gimana cara dapetinnya yg bagus begitu hihi

    1. nah itu dia... kalau di korea sama jepang sih katanya gampang didapet, murah dan dipasar mereka ada. kalau di indo.... T.T

  6. audh itu cocoon nyari dimana dan mesti yg ulat sutra apa gmn? penasaran >.< btw thanks for sharing dear! :)


    1. nah saya juga kurang tau kalau di indo. di tempat saya di bali sih ada tapi juaauuuhhh di pedesaan, ada ternak ulat sutra. Yang aku tau sih yang putih begitu, yang dalemnya udah dikeluarin :D

  7. cantik bgt y orgnya *o* rajin senyum jg rahasianya kali ya :D senyum terus :D

    1. iya kok snyum terus hehe, hmm ak jd lbh penasaran kecantikan dian sastro sis *o*

  8. susah di kepompongnya doang ya
    btw dancenya keren :D

    1. iyah bener ._. di indo susah dapet yah
      aaa mukasih nur ^^

  9. nice tips! bisa dicoba tuh biar stay young ~
    thanks udah sharing jessica... ^^

    1. Iyah ^_^
      sama2 Devi.. Makasih juga udah mampir ^^

  10. wah thank u yah informasinya :D

    mesti d praktein...

  11. gilaaa.. 48?? omaigattt! cc kira 35an up laaa...
    coba di rajini. ikut stepnya aaaahh.. bisaa gak yaa.. hihihi

  12. Dance km keren banget jess *salahfokus* hahahaha x) suka liatnyaaa

    1. makasih Elin ^^ tolong bantu like yah^^ thankyou GBU :D

  13. ngg.. itu yg step 5 benar2 dibasuh ke wajah airnya yaa?
    cream yang uda kita pake apa ga hilang? apa langsung terserap smua di step 4?

    1. Iya bener ^^ nah hal itu sempat dipertanyakan sama pemirsa star king.. tapi katanya hal tersebut mirip dengan metode 'steam' atau 'warp'. Jadi jgn dilap juga tapi sekedar melayang hampir nempel dikit2 gitu sis biar pori2nya kebuka dulu. semoga membantu^^

  14. Replies
    1. iyah bener.... kalau di video aslinya jauh lebih mulussss._.

  15. Si cocoon itu sering aku liat di qoo10 pantes kok kayaknya laris bangetttt......
    BTW Indonesia udah panas begini kyknya enggak perlu pake handuk panas lg deh he he he


    1. wah gitu ya? bener2 cocoon biasa?
      iyah, cuma buat metode absorbsi yang satu itu biar makin nyerep ^^

  16. GIILLEEEEE dance nya kereeeenn >_<
    Langsung ngefans hahahhha
    Good luck yaaa!!

    Thanks juga buat info nya!
    Definitely gonna try that tonight! :D

    1. thankyou so muchhh >< amiin :D
      iyah^^ moga membantu yaaa , thanks for visitting ^^

  17. Wah ! Nice post.. berlaku buat badan juga? apa muka aja?

    -i'm your new followers now-
    yuk ikutan give away pertama saya. Thank you :*

    1. Itu buat muka aja.. sbnrnya ada buat badan tp harus pk video jelasinnya huhu TT
      Thankyou jenny>< ♥♥♥♥

  18. pny video epsd ini ga?? aku cari kemana2 dh gada.

    Aku dh nntn epsd ini di one channel, wkt itu jg ada tips ngecilin perut dalam wkt singkat dan terbukti.. hehehe
    Pengen bgt liat video ttg tips ini.

    Tlg bls ya Tengkyuuu ^^

    1. iya aku juga nonton di SBS..
      tolong dibaca lagi yah yg diatas^^
      aku ngga nemu juga videonya hihi TT

  19. Oiya kalo pny videonya, please bgt infoin ke twitter aku ya @HOTTESTawELF

    sekali lg thanks ^^

  20. cakep banget neh perempuan ya hehehe


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