28 Dec 2017

Liburan Asyik dan Menarik di Bali

Bonjour J-Pals ^^ Welcome back to my blog!
Apa sih yang terlintas dibenak kalian saat mendengar liburan? Hmm, kalau yang terlintas dibenakku itu pastinya pantai, gunung, sawah, kebun, makanan enak, belanja, wisata ke obyek yang menarik serta hotel nyaman. Kalian punya pemikiran yang sama juga ga? ^^

  Gambar sisip 1

Kira-kira sudah kurang dari sebulan lagi menuju liburan Natal dan tahun baru. Kalian sudah tau dong Pulau Dewata alias Pulau Bali yang sudah terkenal ke-eksotisannya sampai ke mancanegara? Nah, dikesempatan kali ini, aku akan mengulas keindahan bali diartikel aku berikut ini. Penasaran? Ayuk scroll ke bawah.^^

1.     Pantai Kuta

Gambar sisip 2

Menyaksikan Indahnya Sakura Jepang di Libur Akhir Tahun

Ohayo gozaimasu!
Liburan akhir tahun merupakan hal yang paling ditunggu-tunggu sama semua kalangan. Penat dengan pekerjaan? Perkerjaan menumpuk karena menjelang akhir tahun dan tutup buku ? Saatnya istirahat sejenak dan memanjakan mata kalian dengan liburan yang asik. So lets plan your own trip.

Gambar sisip 1

Kalau kalian ingin menyiapkan liburan kalian, tidak perlu khawatir dan repot-repot. Mulai dari tiket pesawat, hotel, transportasi, pocket WiFi, dan tiket wahana hiburan bisa kalian temukan di HISGO Indonesia.
Tentang Hisgo :
  • Harga kompetitif hingga 400 maskapai penerbangan seluruh dunia.
  • Beragam Pilihan hingga 100.000 hotel pilihan di 20.000 lokasi seluruh dunia.
  • Temukan akses untuk berbagai aktivitas di seluruh dunia.
  • Hisgo dibuat oleh H.I.S Travel, biro perjalanan wisata berkualitas dan dikenal secara Internasional.
Kali ini aku ingin mengulas mengenai trip ke jepang bersama H.I.S Travel Indonesia dan ANA Airlines. 

22 Dec 2017

[REVIEW] Absolute New York Eye Artiste #Pixie Dust

As I promised, here is another review from the brand Absolute New York. This time I will be sharing my thought to you guys about their single eyeshadow, Eye Artiste in Pixie Dust.

They have several shades, maybe around 10 shades if I was not mistaken. There are mattes and shimmery(s). The only one who caught my eye is this beautiful shimmery pinkish champagne shadow. So how does the quality and the shade performance?

[REVIEW] Absolute New York Matte Stick Lipstick #Burgundy

Good day fellas!

Today I will be reviewing another matte lipstick and now it is Absolute New York's turn to be in the spotlight!

If you go to ANY's counters you will find so many shades of this retractable lipstick. I was confused to choose until I decided to pick the shade 'Burgundy' (NFA55). What about the real shade and the quality? Let's check this out! :)

18 Dec 2017

5 Ide DIY Fashion Mudah untuk Natal dan Tahun Baru

Hallo J-pals! Musim Natal dan Tahun Baru begini, pasti banyak di antara kalian yang ingin tampil chic. Kalau dompet sedang sedikit menderita karena harus membeli kado, menyiapkan acara kumpul-kumpul dengan keluarga, dan pengeluaran akhir tahun lain, sebenarnya ada cara murah untuk punya baju "baru".

Kali ini, yuk kita ngomongin ide-ide mudah memermak baju-baju lama supaya tampil kinclong di akhir tahun. Kalian tak usah repot-repot menyiapkan banyak peralatan, cukup yang dasar saja: jarum dan benang, gunting, dan lem khusus kain

1.     Mutiara di kerah kemeja

11 Dec 2017

Moodmatcher, Lipstick That Can Change Color Depends on Mood?

Finally, it is another beauty product review!

I am so curious yet so delighted to tell you guys my opinion about this phenomenal product by Moodmatcher. 

I have been so curious about this product since long time ago but haven't got the chance to try one. The unique and daring colors of the lipstick makes it hard to choose which one I want--since I always like beauty products that are anti mainstream and out of the box!

Well, can you guess which one I choose and does it really turn out to be like what it says? 'Changing color' based on our mood? Check this out! ;)

10 Dec 2017

[CULINARY] Ayam Gepruk Surabaya


Today I will be informing you something that is--finally--not about beauty-related! Hahaha.
*and believe me, I write this in the middle of the night with some concert in my belly. TT___TT

Well guys! For you who are simply chicken or Indonesian cuisine lovers, you should really check this out! And for you who loves sambal as well. Because this post is gonna be HOT. ;D

8 Dec 2017

Lui Switzerland Brightening Anti-Aging Day Cream Review

Hello, J-Pals!

Today I will be reviewing a product that has been launched in Indonesia and came from Switzerland. Which brand is it? Lui Switzerland!

If you haven't heard about this brand, you SHOULD read this post. Why?
Simply I'm going to give you honest review like usual and of course, this is a brand I haven't review before. This skincare brand offers a high-end price, so we'll see does it work as good as the money spent. ;)


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