2 Apr 2014

[REVIEW and SWATCH] Skinfood Salmon Brightening Eye Cream

Dark circle has always been my main problem. Having those panda eyes will make people look tired, not fresh and older. Using concealer all the time is not practice and doesn't give permanent/natural result, right?

I browsed for loooong time about the best eye cream that would diminish the dark circle. I've tried Clinique's Youthfull Eye Cream, Clinique's All About Eye Cream, Legere's Lightening Eye Roll and they just don't work---like at all---on me with those fantastic prices. And now I'm trying this Korean's product Skinfood Salmon Brightening Eye Cream because I read so many good reviews about this product. One said she kept repurchasing this product, another one said she has tried many other eye creams and only find that this product is the only one that works and so on. 

What's my experience about the product?

Skinfood Salmon Eye Brightening Series

The design of the packaging looks so classic. It is written on the top of the cap of the jar "SKINFOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Cream" with Salmon on it. The glass jar and the cap are coated with some kind of light metal. It could be bond if it falls down but it won't break since it covers the glass.

On the bottom there is the barcode and some hangeul (Korean words). The labels look like made of recycled paper.


Written on the side label :
Salmon Brightening Eye Cream - Brightening Effect.
An eye cream with arbutin that helps brighten skin around the eyes. Salmon extract nourishes skin.
To use 
Use on toned skin. Apply adequate amount around the eyes and then gently pat using finger tips for faster absorbtion. 

There is a plastic division between the cap and the cream.

The cream smells very nice and I love it. It is like a very aroma therapy oil. It is a bit sticky, but it is no bother to me since it is not as sticky as melted chocolate xD *forget it* The color is white. The cream need some times to absorb so you better tap it using your fingers lightly like mentioned above.

Pros :
  • Moisturize my undereye area
  • Smells nice
  • Doesn't irritate my skin or eye
  • Might look small but you can spend a jar for a year.
  • Durable packaging
Neutral :
  • Medium price. About IDR 120.000

Cons :
  • Need some times to absorb, a bit sticky 
  • Doesn't brighten my dark circle -^-)/
  • Not hygenic. No spatula :s
Repurchase? Um.. Maybe yes. (But not until I find a better eye cream lol :p) I've been using this product for almost a year now. Since my priority is non-irritating and safe product. I still need an eye cream and this is the best so far, even though I haven't found this product do its job to brighten my undereye area. Still worth to buy to moisturize my undereye :)

Well, I hope this post is usefull for you. ^^
Thank you for reading and God bless <3


ps : I will update the review if I feel something different / a change on me because of the product, whether it is positive or negative. So stay tune :D
And also, result in every person may vary because everyone has their own skin types :)
What I wrote are my honest opinion ^^
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  1. aq juga pernah pake ini, cuma ga nampol ma aq.. kayaknya mata pandaku uda mendarah daging

    1. iya nih sama ci huhu TT
      padahal banyak review yang bilang bagus u.u

  2. I've heard about this product since a long time ago and it has a good review (mostly).
    Maybe you could try L'ancome genefique yeux, it's also good and giving cooling sensation while applied ;)

    <a href="http://www.kawaiifuku.net”>✿ Kawaii Fuku ✿</a>

    1. yeah mostly good reviews but dang... it was a zonk for me TT
      Woah really? Ill look forward to it ^^
      Thank you for the info!

  3. Pernah aku jadiin wishlist nih produk yang ini tapi setelah sering baca review orang jadi mundur gara-gara penyerapannya agak lama dan katanya kurang terlalu ngefek untuk mata panda haha. Tapi masih penasaran kalo belum coba sendiri wkwkwk.
    Btw nice review Jes :D

    1. iya nih :(
      gpp ce siapa tau ngefek di cc xD
      Thank you for visiting ^^

  4. Aku juga mau beli ini tadinya ,tapi kalo gak ngilangin mata panda sayang rek ,aku mau beli etude house eye's cream itu ,kamu tau gak? Aku gak tau sih bagus atau nggak ,tapi pengen beli aja
    Thanks gor reviewing,really useful ^^

    1. tauuuu.. ccku pake itu.. aku baca review2 katanya nggak ngaruh juga lho... emg panda eye itu dimana2 sulit ><
      thank you for visiting too :)

  5. Pake nano spray ajah sist, yg cream2 gitu kl ga cocok bs bahaya :O

  6. Aku dulu pernah pake ini. Greasy banget tp. Isinya banyak jd uda kburu expired. Got some Millia coz too much using this

    1. milia?
      iya nih kliatannya aja kecil tp awet bisa dipake lama xD

  7. ini udah lama masuk wishlist tapi abis baca review kamu jadi nggak yakin mau beli.. nggak suka yg lengket-lengket di mata >.<
    sekarang lagi pengen nyobain eyecream nya tonymoly yang bentuknya panda itu, lucu sih :))
    anyway, great review! thanks for sharing, Jessica :)

  8. Wah ga terlalu ngefek ya jes? Iya nih perasaan eye cream ga mahal ga murah kok hasilnya sama aja yaa ><

  9. Yahh gak ngefek yah.. maju mundur mau beli..soalnya cc jg mata panda.. hahhaha..
    Nice review non..

  10. i totally recommend the salmon eye cream!
    by the way i do sell make up products, probably next time you can order from me ;)
    style frontier


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