Another big thanks to my fellow blogger Patricia Evangeline! Thank you for nominating me to this amazing award!
I wouldn't achieve anything without my fellow bloggers too that always support and shaer with me.^^
Before answering her questions, I am glad that Patricia, who is my cousin and friend, now also becoming a beauty blogger. I remember on this year's Chinese New Year our family gathered in her grandma's house and I told her anything I know about blogging and share the fun(s) with her. It was a great chit chat and just found her now doing so well with her blog couldn't make me any happier as her fellow. :D
And while I surfed her blog I found this :
Q : Who inspired you to enter beauty world?
A : People who inspired me are the Yamada sisters, Elle and Jess ( They're so pretty. Also Michelle Phan, the co creator of em cosmetics. One more, my far cousin, Jessica Ie from
I'm so glad that I could inspire somebody else. I will always try to give my best as a blogger and I hope that Patricia would also develop her blog more and more! :)
Oh yes! And she is the model that came with me in Kpop Festival - Kpop Make up Challenge in Mall Bali Galeria (you can see on the tab above "achievement). My fellow singing friend was unable to attend that day which she supposed to be my makeup model too that time but Patricia helped me and let me to do her makeup. Thanks God for sending her for me and I won the 1st place. Just want to say my gratitude for her here. I would be nothing without God and her help!--and her pretty face xD Thank you Angie!
Now it's time to answer her questions ^^
1.Jadi beauty blogger atau MUA?
Kalau Tuhan mengijinkan, mau dua-duanya! :D
2.Apa cita-cita kamu yang sebenarnya?
Maunya sih jadi penyanyi #dor
Tapi sadar jadi penyanyi kebanyakan saingan dan kayaknya aku nggak terasah dari kecil jadinya jadi business woman dan beauty blogger yang sukses saja deh =))
3.Kenapa kamu buat beauty blog?
Awalnya iseng, pingin sharing-sharing seperti yang lain. Lama-lama ketagihan nih karena mulai dapet temen-temen baru! hihi :D
4.Pilih lipstick orange ,pink ,atau merah ? (pilih satu)
Orange! Orange freshen up my face and kayaknya itu paling cocok sama wajahku ^_^
5.Selain blogging apa sih yang kamu lakuin?
Akhir-akhir ini aku juga menyibukkan diri dengan dance cover (Korea korea begitulah xD) Kalau bisa buat sing cover lagi juga deh kapan-kapan2 ^^
6.Apa kebiasaanmu yang paling buruk? (lol buka aib hahaha)
Hmm.. Terlalu selalu melihat ke atas. Dikit2 kalau ada orang yang aku rasa lebih cantik, lebih putih (serius ini. jujur apa adanya x'D), punya gigi yang bagus rata (secara gigiku gak rapi lol -_- makanya selfie gak pernah unjuk gigi kan xD #aib) dll bukannya iri. Minder iya x'D minder. Selalu minder. :( Semoga secepatnya aku bisa ikut program invaselign atau brace lah setidkanya seperti yang udah dijanjiin orang tuaku selama bertahun-tahun. Huhu T_T)
7.Makeup brand amerika atau korea?
Korea! Makeup Korea itu relatif nggak semahal USA punya tapi juga ada kualitas. Packagingnya lucu2 pula ^^
8.Apa wishlist kamu yang nomor satu?
Currently.... Sebenernya kamera yang bagus^^ Sejauh aku ngeblog dari 0 aku sama skali ngga punya kamera, jadinya semua foto ala kadarnya deh :'(
9.Kalo kamu dapet chance ngedate sama aktor terkenal ,siapa yang kamu pilih?
Huahahaha. Sulit yah. 1 ya? #plak
Maskulin, cool outside warm inside #sotoi
ps : kalau bergerak alias pas di video jauh lebih hensem =)))))
10.Japanese style atau korean style atau american street style ? (pilih satu)
Korean style! They look chic, cute sometimes sexy too! Selalu unik dan stylish bagi aku :D Dan agak perfeksionis juga tampilan mereka menurutku. But that's why I love them! ^^
11.nyanyi,dance,atau masak ? (pilih satu)
Waduh. Hobby angie semua ya? xD
Nyanyi deh! Karena yang lainnya aku bener-bener gak bisa apa-apa xD
Well.. sekian dulu untuk post ini. Semoga pembaca nggak bosen-bosennya yah baca post-postku!
Setelah ini aku mau nulis beauty tips yang semoga aja bisa berguna bagi yang punya masalah kulit, rambut, kuku atau pun gigi.
Thank you for reading and...
God bless ^^
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me and Angie on CYN |
ps : Don't forget to join BBlog here for you, bloggers to win Lenovo Vibe X, Nexus 5 and millions cash prize :D
hahahaha gak cukup 1 yahhhh lainnyaa CHOI TAE JUUUUN ada beberapa ??
ReplyDeletehuahahhahaha xD
Deletengga tau! Tapi sekarang choi tae jun aja deh :$ xP #plak
haha samaaaa, aku juga ga punya kamera hihi :3
ReplyDeletebtw, salam kenal yaaa
followed you
huhu mesti nabung yah T.T
Deletesalam kenal juga^^
Ill follow you back! Thankyou dear <3
hello beautiful lady,baru bacaaa ,korea banget kamu,makeup brand korea,style korea buahhhaha,mukamu juga korea banget ,coba kamu ke korea ,pasti disangka orang sanaaa :* btw itu kebiasaan burukmu hmmmm padahal kamu udah perfecto lohhh ,lebih PD lagii,sukses terusss muah2