11 Oct 2015

[REVIEW and SWATCH] Sweet Pea Milk Bath in Vanilla Blossom

Hello readers!
It's been a loooong time for me since I wrote my last post. ><
There are many posts on my drafts but the crazily hectic schedule and unexpected things keeping my off from blogging :'( because they need to be taken care of first. :(

Anyway, no more long talk, today I'm reviewing a product that is originally made in Indonesia. ^^

Product details:
  • Ingredients: vanilla milk powder, cornstarch and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
  • Expired date: this product lasts up to six months after the lid opened or when the smell has changed
  • Please keep this product in dry and cool place, avoiding direct sunlight
  • Netto 180gr 
  • Available in: Classic Matcha, Vanilla Blossom, Chocolate
  • Price: IDR 50.000,-
The packaging is made of plastic so you won't have to worry if you dropped it a bit hard. xD

As you can see above, it has a plastic division under the cap so the powdery milk bath won't spoil out everywhere when you grab it with you for travelling.

Quite a lot huh? Maybe I can save this up to 3 months.

The powder texture is very soft, not like sand but really similar with fine granulated sugar. 

Getting ready to try it out. >_<

I'm quite happy with this product. With its super affordable price, this product gave me a super relaxing and enjoyable time while bathing in tube. 
I swear (oops. Sorry xD) this product has a very very nice milky scent, different from the other common spa aroma. 
I would say that this product is a multifunctional product.
We can also use this milk bath as a body mask by mixing it with a lil amount of water and rub it to our skin, let it dry for a while--maybe about 3-5 minutes. Then wash off with water. I did it and felt my skin getting smoother than before, smelt very nice and of course makes my bathing experience kind of fun. xD

Why should you buy expensive milk baths when you can get way cheaper, natural, local brand made and multifunctional product?
Beautiful skin, natural products, good deal for you ;)

Grab yours now at:
Selling various home made care products and Etude House distributor 100% original products
They held free giveaways so don't miss it! ^^ Follow them now! :)
BBM : 52A51101
LINE : @OQW1116

Thank you fairylicious_shop for letting me try this amazing product!
ps : I will update the review if I feel something different / a change on me because of the product, whether it is positive or negative. So stay tune :D
And also, result in every person may vary because everyone has their own skin types :)
What I wrote are my honest opinion ^^
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  1. What an amazing product!
    Someday I'll try this.

  2. suka sama packaging nya Jess...pingin coba juga deh^^
    btw, i'm following you now. mind following back?
    thank you:)


  3. It looks like a very good product. Enjoy


  4. I've never heard or even saw this kind of product before, but it's so interesting! =)

  5. Interesting, never heard of this product before. I find new things everyday.

    Thanks for sharing

  6. Looks and sounds like a great product. I love bath milks

  7. the concept is really unique and great.
    i do really curious about the smell <3

  8. Seems like a fantastic product indeed, that I'd love to give a try. I wish it were available here

    - xoxo - chai - GIG Love

  9. Wow! The powder look exactly like milk powder, so tempting. Do they provide international shipping!?

    much love... GreenStory

  10. Vanilla scented bathing products are amongst my favorite! Thanks for introducing such a lovely product :)

  11. oooooo look like with this u can have a good pampering bath...

  12. never expect it to be in powder form! but i've never had a bathtub, so i'm really not familiar with such products....

  13. I can only imagine how the smell is like! I need one of those pamper weekend and bubbles in bath

  14. powder looks really soft, even though u said it is for bath, it looks like it can be eaten haha

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