14 Jun 2014

[REVIEW and SWATCH] Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire

Good ______ my dearest readers!
This gonna be my first perfume review. :D --since I had no idea at all how to describe and what to say on a perfume review xD. But you'll know why I want to review this perfume now. It's just so eye catching at the first glance. First impression is important, don't you agree? ;D

cr : escential.com

 Several weeks ago, the shop instagram.com/so_adollable asked me to endorse the perfume they sold. I was a bit confused which one to choose because they sold so many cute ORI Singapore perfumes and by the picture only, I could not really tell how would the scent turned out, would I like it or not, would I enjoy dressing up with the fragrance or the opposite. Fortunately, I choose this beautiful-packaged-perfume, Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire. Let's know more about them! :)

cr : google

I've just known that La Petite Robe Noire has different designs based on the year updates. I choose the center one, which is actually 2011's design. Well *chuckles* I choose that one simply because it has color gradation which looks so mysterious yet sexy for me. =D

Besides those beautiful 'La' Petites, just for your info, these other 3 beauties above are from Guerlain, but 'Ma' series.

 So here is the outsider box. I personally love the design. It looks so chic and fashionable. It doesn't look cheap too.
Above, you can see the down side of the box. When I scanned the barcode, it says made in France.
Backside of the outer box.
Front side of inner box. -Cute xD
Backside of the inner box. I love how they describe this perfume in beautiful words that makes us sure that we are 'wearing' a classy perfume. <3

There is Guerlain's logo on the spray and a baby pink ribbon with 'Guerlain' watermark on it around its cap.
The price is very very reasonable for a great perfume with 100ml size, only IDR 165.000.

For the scent?
At first I think it's a bit sweet--which I dislike--but I started liking it and think it is fresh and classy instead of sweet. It doesn't smell like fruits nor vanilla for me. It's hard to describe T____T)a
The point is, it smells good for me and no sticky feeling on me. It smells fresh and not too overwhelming. It stays on my clothes quite long, about 5 hours or so? But I hope it could be bolder.--well, maybe I need to spray more. xD But I already spray it many times. ._.)a Or maybe I have a problem with my nose? #sorry =)) I hope it doesn't confuse you. xD

Line : etudeparfum
WA / sms : 0878 8560 5329

That's all and I hope you enjoy the post!^^
See you on my next post! :) What about a blogsale? xD

ps : I will update the review if I feel something different / a change on me because of the product, whether it is positive or negative. So stay tune :D
And also, result in every person may vary because everyone has their own skin types :)
What I wrote are my honest opinion ^^
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  1. Replies
    1. iya nih xD Yang bikin jatuh cinta botolnya duluan xD

  2. Wih harganya murah ya jes, btw deskripsi mu malah jd bikin penasaran sm baunya xD

  3. It looks very nice! :)
    You are pretty!

    ❤ ✿ NEW POST ✿ ❤

  4. Murah ya kaaa ,guerlain aku kirain berjuta2 ,tapi anna sui aja 400an loh hmmmm

  5. Aku bukan parfum lover. Kalo aku suka parfum mungkin udah kubeli karena kemasannya unik dengan harga yang begitu terjangkau


    1. Iya bener, sama xD makanya nggak tahu menahu ni banyak yg bilang ngga ORI ._.)a

  6. Murah banget sis. Apa mungkin ori spore? Aku sih bukan pecinta parfum, lebih ke pecinta wewangian *soalnya pengen banget koleksi perfum2 sekelas anna sui dkk tapi kantong belom mendukung :( *

    Kadang kalo ada yang bilang ori reject aja aku suka gak yakin. Soalnya aku tau supplier parfum refill yg wanginya mirip asli sampe notesnya dan pake botol asli juga. Untungnya sih si supplier ini pake bahan campuran yg aman.


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