2 Aug 2013

[ Review & Swatch ] Etude House Golden Ratio Tear Drop Powder no 3 - Olive + FOTD

Hi everybody!
After my birthday I went to the only one Etude House in Bali -.-
And from now on I decide to write in Bahasa and English. I'll try my best!:D

Mungkin udah pada familiar ya sama tas dibawah ini heheh :D
Aku beli beberapa produk yang bakal aku review segera. So please stay tune ^_^

Maybe some of you alrd familiar with this bag from EH.
I bought some products which I'll review soon! so please stay tune^_^

Nah, sekarang langsung aja ke produk yang mau aku review. 
Di tokonya lagi promo, harganya cuma 48rb, sama kayak harga2 online shop kan :p
Ini ads nya :

Well, just get to the point now :3
At the store that time it was only IDR48K because it was on sale. Same price as online shop's price! :D /biscuit dancing/
Here's the ads: 
cr : google.com
Aku berusaha mentranslate adsnya sebisaku yah '-')/ /phew/
Intinya di ads di atas mengatakan bahwa produk ini colorful (mungkin pigmented kali ya maksudnya ._. karena cuma terdiri dari 4 warna natural) dan melekat di kulit pada pemakaian pertama (semoga bener yah translatenya ^_^"v maklum belum canggih :D)

I try to translate the best I can '-')/ /phew/
The point is it claims that the product is colorful (maybe it means pigmented ._. because they only sold 4 natural shades) and adheres to the skin well (I hope I tell the right meaning ^_^"v--I'm still a beginner :D)

 Sebenernya aku agak bingung ya sama adsnya -.- soalnya disitu dibilang berlaku dalam 4 warna yaitu :
1. Gold
2. Brown
3. Khaki
4. Gray
Sedangkan punyaku ini emang mirip yang Khaki dan emang nomer 3 warnanya tapi kenapa punyaku tulisannya "Olive" -.- yaudahlah bukan masalah juga :D

 Frankily, I'm a bit confused about the ads. It tells that this product comes with 4 shades :
1. Gold
2. Brown
3. Khaki
4. Gray
The product that I bought definitely looks like the third one (Khaki) but on the sticker at the bottom of the container it says "no. 3 Olive" not Khaki -.- whatever anw its not a big deal :D

Here's the swatches :

bisa dibuka, ada yang bentuknya masih bulatan2 ~.0.)~the lid can be opened and as you can see there are some round-shaped powders .-.

sebenernya warnanya bener2 shimmery khaki. Cocok dijadiin pengganti eyeshadow atau dipake dibawah mata deket waterline biar kesannya lebih lively. Terutama buat acara spesial :) isinya cuma 2 gram tapi bisa dipakai untuk jangka waktu yang lumayan lama :) Tempatnya kecil dan gampang dibawa kemana-mana. Tutupnya gak gampang lepas :D
The color actually is a very shimmery khaki. Great for eye shadow or being used near the waterline, especially for special occasions :) it is only 2 grams but it can be used for quite a while:) the container is small, sleek, travel friendly and the cap attach well.

Pros L
  • Sangat shimmery
  • Tekstur dan glitter didalamnya sangat kecil dimana bikin terlihat lebih natural, bisa diatur komposisi waktu makainya sesuai keinginan kita dan gampang di campur/blend
  • Bisa dijadiin eyeshadow /yeay/ :D
  • Harga yang sangat terjangkau
  • Kemasan kecil gampang dibawa kemana-mana--nggak terlihat murah
  • Tanpa primer nggak tahan lebih dr 1 jam:(
  •  Nggak terlalu kaya warna kalau nggak pake primer

  • Very shimmery
  • The texture and the glitters are very small which makes it looks more natural and buildable, also blendable
  • Can be used as eyeshadow
  • Very reasonable prize
  • Sleek and travel friendly packaging--doesnt look cheap
Cons :
  • Without primer it doesn't last more than an hour
  • Not too pigmented without primer
 So in these photos I am using this Tear Drop Powder: *narcissm alert* XD
Jadi di foto ini aku menggunakan Tear Drop Powder ini : *perhatian! narsisme* XD
ps. I didn't edit the pic so that you can --hopefully-- see the color^_^
Ps. Aku nggak ngedit fotonya supaya kalian --semoga TwT--bisa lihat warnanya ^^

in different lightnings ^ v

can you see the color on my eyes? ^_^ sorry for the unconcealed scars TT

me and my friends ^^

 FOTD ^_^v

You can buy it in every stores ETUDE HOUSE INDONESIA
and visit their facebook : https://www.facebook.com/etudehouseindo

Udah pernah nyoba? atau punya pengalaman/pendapat yang beda?
Lets share!^^
Have you tried this? Have different opinion/experience?
Let's share!^^ 


  1. Nice review,dear..
    Mind to follow each other?


  2. di bali dimana ada etude house nya dear?

  3. iyap.. kuta sq lantai berapa ya? aku kemarin cuma nemu missha aja.. :D

    1. Bukan di mallnya dear :D yg barisan deket ripcurl, bilabong, surfer girl dll :D wahhh!!! Ada missha di dlmnya kuta sq?><

  4. woalaa.. pantesan ga ketemu2.. hahahahahha


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